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Department of Computer Science

Critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, innovativeness and communication are skills in high demand in the 21st Century and every student should have the learning experience as the global village has evolved over the years. New Life College provide the practical experience in the study of technology so as to raise learners who are more critical, develop the spirit of team work and develop interpersonal communication skills. As educators for the present and future generations, New Life College is committed to excellence and in the process, students are prepared to live and work in the global society with a sense of creativity and innovativeness, making the most desired impact.

Computer technology is the driving force behind every development of the modern world and it has come to dominate every aspect of everyday life, whether learning, work, socialization or play. Moreover, finance, government, business, commerce, public services such as health and education, and the NGO sector are all critically dependent on computing and Information Technology (IT) systems. Information and Communications Technology (ICT), in particular, is a rapidly expanding field that is viewed as both a means and an ends for development. With ICT being the main means of access to and ICT products a major commodity on the world market, ICT is recognized as a key factor for increasing economic growth and productivity. Thus ICT has become a major priority for low and middle-income countries. In such a climate, computer knowledge and skills are essential for entering the job market and also to gain access to higher education and for interaction with the wider world. The Diploma in Computer Science programme at New Life College offers students an ideal starting point for a career in information technology, computing, communications technology and related fields. The programme equips students with a broad enough understanding of the computer world to work in a variety of industries and situations or to go on to further studies. Moreover, the combination of theoretical studies with practical hands-on training and project work allows the students to apply what they have learned immediately without having to enter the work force before gaining experience. In the process, students develop transferable and highly marketable skills in areas such as:

  • Computer literacy
  • Communication
  • Team working
  • Numeracy
  • Creativity
  • Retrieval of Information
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • High level of time management and organization
  • Logical thinking and deductive reasoning.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this programme is to equip students with the theoretical knowledge, practical skills and character traits required to take up the opportunities in the Computer Science and IT job environment, to progress to higher or more specialized education in Computer Science or IT, in the case of working professionals, to enable them to streamline their companies and make their businesses, skills and knowledge, efficiently and effectively. However, our educational objectives for our Diploma programs in computer science is to educate the next generation of computer professionals and academics who will embody the best ideals of a liberal education as knowledgeable, caring, ethical, well-spoken men and women with critical and reasoned judgment. Our students will pursue advanced education, research and development, and other creative efforts in science and technology, lead in industry, academics, and the community.

Graduates of the programme will:

  • Apply Computer Science theory, Software Engineering, Database Development & Administration, Computer Hardware and Networking fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.
  • Analyze complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
  • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
  • Have a sound knowledge of computer terminology and key concepts and be proficient in the use and operation of the main types of computer and ICT hardware and software.
  • Be knowledgeable about the opportunities offered to the world by new technologies for computing, and be keen to play a responsible role in their development and application.
  • Be able to analyse a problem, develop and evaluate alternative solutions to it.
  • Be able to apply systematic methods to the design and implementation of a variety of software solutions. Have an understanding of the ethical, cultural and social issues related to computer technology.
  • Be enthusiastic to apply and promote the use of computer technology and competent to train others in its responsible use.
  • Be able to communicate effectively with computing professionals and users at all levels, having a good understanding of the interaction between people and computer systems.

Anticipated Employment Opportunities

Graduates will be equipped with the requisite computer knowledge and skills to take up a wide range of employment opportunities.
New Life College excels in coaching students how to develop their creative talents and to create self-employment opportunities for themselves. Moreover, graduates are encouraged to develop entrepreneurial skills so that progressively they will be able to create job opportunities for others.

The interactive class environment presents students with an ideal platform to learn how to train others and many previous graduates have taken up posts as IT Instructors in schools and other institutions.

Other employment opportunities include technical and administrative positions in various sectors including:

  • Private firms and consultancies
  • Mobile phone and internet service providers
  • Corporate and state organizations
  • The Education, Health and Social Services
  • Banking and Insurance

Graduates will be equipped with the requisite computer knowledge and skills to take up a wide range of employment opportunities.
New Life College excels in coaching students how to develop their creative talents and to create self-employment opportunities for themselves. Moreover, graduates are encouraged to develop entrepreneurial skills so that progressively they will be able to create job opportunities for others. The interactive class environment gives students ideal platforms to learn how to train others. Many graduates have taken up posts as IT Instructors in schools and institutions.